/*****************************************************************************\ * Create.cmd creates icons for applications included * * with the Internet Access Kit in the BonusPak * * * * The difference with the 'standard' icons you already have * * is that these icons do not start LINKUP.EXE (which makes * * sure that the SLIP/PPP link has been established) before the * * application is started. Create.cmd was made by Jacco de Leeuw * \*****************************************************************************/ /* load rexx utility functions */ Call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs' Call SysLoadFuncs crlf='0d0a'x; TCPapp.1=9; TCPapp.2.1= "gopher.exe"; TCPapp.2.2=""; TCPapp.2.3="Gopher"; TCPapp.3.1= "nr2.exe"; TCPapp.3.2=""; TCPapp.3.3="NewsReader/2"; TCPapp.4.1= "explore.exe"; TCPapp.4.2=""; TCPapp.4.3="WebExplorer"; TCPapp.5.1= "telnetpm.exe"; TCPapp.5.2=""; TCPapp.5.3="Telnet"; TCPapp.6.1= "ftppm.exe"; TCPapp.6.2=""; TCPapp.6.3="FTP-PM"; TCPapp.7.1= "pmant.exe"; TCPapp.7.2=""; TCPapp.7.3="3270 Telnet"; TCPapp.8.1= "archie.exe"; TCPapp.8.2=""; TCPapp.8.3="Archie"; TCPapp.9.1= "update.exe"; TCPapp.9.2="/h updates.gopher.ibm.com"; TCPapp.9.3="Retrieve"crlf"Software Updates"; Say crlf'FreeTCP'; Say '-------' Say 'This REXX script creates icons which do NOT call LINKUP.EXE for most of'; Say 'the applications included with the Internet Access Kit in the BonusPak.'crlf; Say 'Creating folder "Internet applications for the LAN".'crlf; classname = 'WPFolder'; location = ''; setup = 'OBJECTID=;OPEN=DEFAULT;'; title= 'Internet applications'crlf'for the LAN'; result=SysCreateObject(classname,title,location,setup,f); Do i = 2 to TCPapp.1 filespec = SysSearchPath('PATH',TCPapp.i.1); If filespec = '' Then Say 'Not found: 'TCPapp.i.1' 'TCPapp.i.2; Else Do classname = 'WPProgram'; location = ''; setup = 'EXENAME='TCPapp.i.1';PARAMETERS='TCPapp.i.2';'; title = TCPapp.i.3; Say 'Creating icon for: 'TCPapp.i.1' 'TCPapp.i.2; Call SysCreateObject classname,title,location,setup,u; End End; Exit;