Thunderwith section

"Echo of Thunder" is the name of Lauren's new movie.
"Thunderwith" is the name of the book that was filmed.
It was written by Libby Hathorn.

You can read about the book and the filming on that page.

CBS in the USA will air the movie on April 19th 1998.
So America gets to see it first. The exact airtime is unknown.
At least you can keep an eye on the TV guide for that time!

And now to the pictures!!
Click on the photo to enlarge the photos.

"Echo of Thunder"

392x505 pxs
size: 44 kB
388x596 pxs
size: 63 kB
538x400 pxs
size: 67 kB
461x405 pxs
size: 44 kB
352x596 pxs
size: 63 kB
588x396 pxs
size: 52 kB
373x396 pxs
size: 52 kB
441x400 pxs
size: 39kB
218x346 pxs
size: 27 kB
654x500 pxs
size: 99kB

Now something about the story:
Thunderwith is about a girl "Lara" played by Lauren. She lives with her mum who is divorced. But after several years she loses her mother. In the film this part is edited. Through the help of some friends her father is found. But then the girl has great trouble in becoming a part of the family. This is where the story starts.

The main characters in the story are:
 Lara Ritchie played by Lauren Hewett
 Gladwyn Ritchie played by Judy Davis
 Neil S played by Ernie Dingo
 Gowd Gadry played by Jamie Croft
Other characters are:
 Pearl Ritchie played by Chelsea Yates
 Opal Ritchie played by Emily Browning
 Garnette Ritchie left out in the movie
 Jasper Ritchie played by ..

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