¿Qué delitos puede tener, dijo don Quijote, si no han merecido más pena que echarle a las galeras? -  Es war ein Konzert, um deswillen man hätte hundert Meilen weit reiten dürfen. - Entre altres objectes de valor, hom troba a faltar l'amo de la casa, ja que ningú no sap donar raó del senyor Calders, ciutadà honorable i contribuent de bons costums. - Miss Williams, because he knows the house will be full, and that an order would be worth three shillings. - Capitu olhou para mim, mas de um modo que me fez lembrar a definição de José Dias, oblíquo e dissimulado; - Harde stemmen verjaagden de vrolijke mezenzwerm, die onder verschrikt en verontwaardigd getjilp in de naaste bomen toevlucht zocht. - E le donzelle, chávesser con loro, porriano a piede, e torrian lor le vesti. - Le silence est le parti le plus sûr de celui qui se défie de soi-même.











This is the web site of Cisquet's Translation Agency. The site may be new, but that certainly does not imply that we are new to translating. I personally started back in 1971 in Barcelona/Spain, working for the Editorial Bruguera and the Academia Berlitz. Since then we have translated children's books, and publications in the fields of medicine (including alternative medicine), communications techniques (shortwave radio, GPS, etc.), social security and cinematography, to name but a few.

Our languages are Afrikaans, Catalan, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
Our standard rate is US$ 0.15, £ 0.10 or EUR 0.15 per word. For urgent or specially complicated texts there may be a surcharge.

If you are interested in having your texts translated, just fill in the form, and we will send you an offer.
If you should have any questions, you may also contact us by e-mail or by fax (+31 (0)84 8847428); or you can give us a ring (+31 (0)6 20453662).

Vertaalbureau Cisquet - Heereweg 31 - NL-1901 MA Bakkum-Noord